Betting There are essentially 2 betting schools : Agressive and Conservative. The AGGRESSIVE method will recover everything lost in a losing streak, IF you have enough money to survive a string of losses. Example : You lose a $10 bet. Bet $15. If you lose, bet $10 + %15 + $5 = $30. This will cover your previous two bets, plus put you ahead $5 if you win. You can see after 6 straight losses, you will bet $10 + %15 + $30 + $60 + $120 + $240 = $475! The drawback is easy to see. If you win anywhere along the line, go back to a $10 bet. This way, you will always be ahead after your last win. In the CONSERVATIVE method bet the minimum until you have a net win of 3 hands. This may take only 3 hands, but usually it will take much longer. It requires perfect play (knowing the tables and mastering counting.) After netting 3 wins, increase the bet by $10, and repeat the process. Play until you have won a net 3 hands with a $20 bet. If you ever drop down 3 hands, play at the previous level. Increase your betting level based on wins, and decrease with losses. If you lose more than 3 in a row, walk way with your winnings.